Monday, September 9, 2013

Bridal Shower #2

I seriously love bridal showers. For me it's about seeing every single person that has been a part of yours/your family's life at one point in time or another. My mother, with the help of my Great Aunt and all of her friends in Utah threw the most beautiful Indian Bridal shower... ever. I wish i had more pictures but it was magnificent! 

My aunt (with help) catered all of the Indian Vegetarian food plus Chicken Tikka! I was so touched by the most thoughtful gifts, advice, and cards from my friends and Alpine family. If you don't know anything about Utah you have to know that the community there is one in a million. To those that came: Thank you so much for coming! You made me feel so incredibly special and loved. It was such a blessing. P.s. Big thanks to my amazing friends, cousin, Aunt, and soon-to-be MOL, that flew into Utah just for the shower! Here are some pics from the shower and a peak at my bachelorette party. 
my dad got me pink roses. very appropriate. 
 My little sister tried to sneak out the door on her way to her first High School party. If anyone knows my little sister, she's the funniest and also the shyest person I know.  I had to capture that moment on camera. 
My pretty sisters and mom
my mama is the prettiest
Cherie Kelly: you are a gem for packaging these and Kunju Patel (Massi) You're a gem for making so many!

 Diane was SUPER pleased with me in this moment!

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