Wednesday, July 24, 2013

my thoughts.

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, but my choice is you

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

I'm a good person. I don't wish hateful things on people. I don't hate anybody, and i definitely don't write negative/hurtful things behind my computer screen. 

there are worse things in the world-to that effect: more important things.

don't be so quick to judge...

true friends don't disappear. 

Few people can admit their mistakes. Of course, the people that can't, don't even admit that they haven't. 

I love a great person.

be patient. 


  1. Hang in there RB. MKE still loves you.

  2. I agree with this in every way possible. I live 20 minutes outside of Milwaukee and I very much understand where this is coming from. Wait until next season....this will all pass. A home run or two will shut the mouths of people who didn't have any business opening them in the first place. Those of us who are true supporters will still be standing behind both of you when the dust settles. He is very lucky to have someone like you in his corner.

  3. One negative thing that spun out of control shouldn't define who a person is. Ryan has done many great things for the community the past few years. Those far outweigh this 1 mistake. But we are waiting for him to look us in the eye and give all his fans a reason to believe everything will be better. There are plenty of us who have faith in Ryan. But we are hurting right now.


  4. My 9 year old son is a long time fan of RB and was thrilled to meet him at a recent charity event. The picture of the two of them is blown up and framed in his room, and my kid's smile is the best smile ever. On Monday night when he got home from baseball practice (he has been playing since he was 3), he was watching the game and heard the news. We had a good talk with him. His reaction? He feels bad for him because he must be embarassed and he is still his favorite player. So, empathy, no judgement. If only others could do the same.

  5. I have the division winning game from 2011 on DVR. Where we first saw the lovely Larisa as she came on the field to celebrate with her man. 29 years I waited for that moment and Ryan with all the other guys delivered it. We will get there again and it will be even better.

    Regardless that 2011 recording will never leave my DVR. Nothing changes what happened that night. Ryan has the talent and heart to turn this negative into a positive. I have no doubt about that.

    I have a story a friend told me. His boy plays soccer with Yo's boy. One Saturday out of nowhere Ryan, Rickie and Corey showed up at the field to sit down and picnic with the kids. How cool is that!! My friend told me Ryan was a riot because he kept needling Rickie.

    I imagine there are tons of untold stories like this. Ryan is a good guy who just made a mistake. It's called life.

  6. Hey girl ...keep your heads up.....You both will be fine. He will come back next year BIGGER, BADDER and STRONGER than ever. He is lucky to have you, next to him. Next to every GR8 MAN, is a GR8er WOMAN. We love you guys. SMILE. HUGS!

  7. Hey girl......keep your heads up......Just want you to know that we love you guys. You both will come back STRONGER and BETTER.
    Next to every GR8 MAN is a GR8er WOMAN. My honey...says enjoy this time with each other and grow from it....Enjoy that ocean breeze and sip it on back. You both are very special. Much love. CHEERS!

  8. While I feel a bit betrayed, I will always love Ryan. He made a mistake, but everyone makes mistakes. I am proud of him for stepping forward and taking his suspension. The only difference between me and Ryan Braun is that he has the media following his every move. Unfortunately people cannot seem to accept that they are exactly the same and make countless mistakes on a daily basis. I can't say I'm not hurt, but I support Ryan, and I look forward to cheering him on next season. And well said, Larisa, I am so happy that you are standing by him. Hope to see you around Milwaukee!

  9. Many people in the history of this world have turned a bad negative into a positive. The bad negative that turned into their worst nightmare in the end was a bit of a blessing to everyone. Because the great parts of that persons personality took over. The iffy side got kicked to the curb.

    Make no mistake about it. When Ryan talks to us it will be the toughest thing he's ever had to do. There is no doubt about that. But it's also the most important step in his road to redeeming himself. I believe he'll say and do the right things.

    I want him a Brewer for life. People might be mad now. But I surely would be way more upset if some other community would gain from our loss. Not just the Baseball player either.

  10. I am feeling sad, angry and disappointed. But I have been a fan of Ryan since he first started with the Brewers in 2007. Over the years he has brought me a lot of joy watching him play. I was fortunate enough to meet him at a 8-twelve charity event a few months ago. It is a memory that I will always cherish. I truly believe he is good person and still love him. Larisa & Ryan – hang in there!

  11. Just found your blog! It's great! This is one of my favorite songs, the lyrics are just so true! Congrats to you and Ryan! I am a huge Brewers fan and this year for Christmas my 4 year old son wants nothing more than a "real" Ryan Braun Brewers jersey! Can't wait to see his face on Christmas morning! Don't worry about what people say...most of the time they are just jealous of what you have. Milwaukee and Wisconsin loves Ryan, we can't wait to have him back in 2014!! Hope you both have a very happy holiday season and enjoy your blessed life together!
    ~ Jaclynn Lighthizer, West Bend, WI


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