Monday, June 11, 2012

Home. Utah

Horray Horray Horray!!! I rarely get to go home... but when i do it's the greatest trip... my family is amazing! Maya and my mom picked me up from the airport and we immediately went to Smiths (the greatest grocery store ever). When we finally got home i was greeted with a large pot of Quinoa and Lentil Soup (my favorite). My mother sure knows how to greet someone at the door. 
Next up, Maya's dance recital at LPHS #throwback. Maya is a wonderful and talented dancer... she did such an impressive job in her dance recital and i was so happy i got to see it! 
 One of my favorite parts of the weekend... Seeing Stellar Machellar and Slee again!!! We went to Cafe Rio and visited the Alpine Art Center which is a beautiful building at the entrance of Alpine that holds different types of events. I may or may not want to have a reception there... one day, someday.
Later that night when i was cleaning my old room I found this baseball that R signed nearly 3 years ago when he first came to Utah; it made me smile.

 Anyway, here's one of my beautiful little sisters before we left to the family dinner at the newly opened Texas de Brazil.
My dads AMAZING prime rib roast.
Amazing weekend... complete with a backyard movie, baked beans, and roast. 10 star meal. bam. I love Utah. 

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