Sunday, May 19, 2013

Raw Rolled Oat Cereal

I'm not sure when I started putting down Harry Potter and picking up self-help or nutrition books for recreational reading but I'm thankful I enjoy these things. I recently read, 'The Beauty Detox Solution' by Kimberly Snyder. One of the things I took away from the book, besides the 'Cheat Sheet' I posted earlier, was that though cooked oatmeal is great for you, they are even BETTER raw. Now, i'm not crazy about the taste yet. But I like to do things just because they are good for me, why else would anyone drink 'Wheat Grass Shots' and I know you're out there. If you're interested, here's the recipe. Its definitely filling. 

Note: I used steel cut oats because I hadn't made it to the store to buy the 'Groats'.

Raw Rolled Oat Cereal

  • ½ cup raw organic oat groats soaked overnight and rinsed well (if you can't find oat groats, use steel cut oats instead)
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ tsp Stevia
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp cold filtered water, as needed
  • Pinch of high quality sea salt (optional)
Place the soaked oats and avocado in a food processor and blend. Add the sea salt and Stevia and mix well. If you prefer your oats thick and chunky, you can nix the water altogether. Otherwise, add one tablespoon of water to thin the mixture, and a second tablespoon as needed.
Let me know what you think. I used honey... I wouldn't recommend that combo with the avocado... maple syrup may work better if you don't have the Stevia. 

I miss you 'blogging world'

I am soooo behind. So much has happened! I finished cooking school! Hip Hip! My mother can finally say, 'I finished school.' My nutrition degree is still in the making... it'll happen... slowly but surely. Anyway, I figured I would start back with some photos that I hadn't already posted on my twitter. Here we go...

 went to see SI in NY. So eventually... one day.. there will be a lovely blog post about me going there (on their part) and that will be the highlight of my afternoon. 
 I still go nuts over these quinoa salads. I've discovered my signature dressing, girls love it. I will post it. 
 I found myself a ring barer! He's adorable. 

friends at the WBC!
 Homemade pizza-pre my gluten free diet. 
and this is me for the rest of my life... read this, memorize it. 

stay tuned for a raw oatmeal recipe! oh, sounds delicious doesn't it!

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