Monday, September 10, 2012

Baking Soda Facial

I'm off to LA for Venus but here's a quick tip for your nighttime face wash... add some baking soda. Just a teaspoon or so. There are so many uses for baking soda in... baking... but also for your face! It's the perfect exfoliant being that the texture is griddy but gentle enough for your face. So... try it out! You can also add it to my Homemade Facial.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Black Bean Burgers with Mango Avocado Salsa

Four years ago I found myself eating nothing but "Vegan" food. Oh yeah, i thought I was going to last forever. My dad, being the positive cheerleader that he is, told me he'd give me 3 days. Oh, I lasted a week. Take that Dad. The cause of my sudden 'vegan-ity' was a book called, 'Skinny Bi*ch'; It's all about why you 'shouldn't eat meat'. Whatever, to each their own. However, the two 'bi*ches' did hit the mark on at least one thing which is,  'If you eat like crap- you're going to look like crap.' This is the nice way of putting it. In all seriousness though, if you don't stop jamming the...

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